Divine Vision & Milestones

Achieving the American Dream through Business, Academics, and Missionary Work

About Dr. David Sohn

Dr. Sohn believes that his success in business, academics, and missionary work are divine milestones that God has prepared for him. Through his books, speeches, and scholarships, he strives to spread his global vision and support the youth.

Dr. Sohn's Works

Dr. Sohn proudly penned an autograph detailing the incredible milestones that God had orchestrated for him. In this personal memoir, he showcased his remarkable achievements and illuminated his global vision that extended far beyond the boundaries of the American dream. His autograph serves as a beacon of hope and a reminder that with God's guidance, anything is possible.


Dr. Sohn gives inspiring speeches to the youth. His talks are centered around his autograph, which holds a profound meaning for him. By sharing his personal experiences and emphasizing the importance of having a global perspective, Dr. Sohn encourages young individuals to embrace their individuality and pursue their dreams with passion and dedication to fulfill their God-given destinies.


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